Specific Topics & Questions

Specific Research Topics and Questions


  • Innovation Policy Instrument Efficacy
  • Comparative Analysis of Innovation and Green Policies
  • Socio-Economic Impacts of Innovation and/or Green Transformation Policies

Recommended research questions:

  • What is the effectiveness of innovation policies such as grants, tax incentives, and R&D subsidies in stimulating innovation within the private sector and academia?
  • How do national innovation policies shape the development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology?
  • How do variations in national innovation policies influence technological competitiveness across countries?
  • Which policy instruments, such as subsidies, tax incentives, or regulatory mandates, have been successful/ unsuccessful in driving green transformation?
  • What impacts have innovation and/or green transformation policies had on socio-economic development?
  • What are the primary barriers and enablers affecting their implementation within the private sector and academia?


  • Training, Reskilling, Upskilling, and Capacity Building for Green Transformation
  • Green Innovation in K-12 and Higher Education
  • Green Lifestyle & Sustainable Consumption

Recommended research questions:

  • How effective are current training, reskilling, and upskilling programs in preparing the workforce for the demands of green transformation? What roles do these programs play in capacity building for sustainable industries?
  • What impact does integrating green innovation into K-12 and higher education curricula have on students’ awareness and readiness to participate in a sustainable economy?
  • How do educational interventions influence sustainable consumption patterns among consumers? What are the long-term effects on lifestyle changes towards sustainability?


  • Carbon Credits Market & Green Financing
  • Environmental Monitoring & Community Resilience
  • Smart Cities, Energy Efficiency, & Green Technologies
  • AI-powered Green Materials Discovery & Science
  • Green Transformation in Specific Sectors: Industry, Agriculture, Tourism, Transportation

Recommended research questions:

  • How can a nation enhance the efficiency and reliability of the carbon market, leading to greater CO₂ emission reductions and innovation in renewable energy solutions? What is the role of each stakeholder, and what lessons can be learned from other countries?
  • How can real-time environmental monitoring data be leveraged to improve disaster response strategies in vulnerable communities?
  • How can smart city initiatives, energy efficiency measures, and green technologies be effectively integrated to create sustainable urban environments that enhance quality of life and reduce environmental impact?
  • How can machine learning algorithms accelerate the discovery of sustainable materials for industrial applications?
  • How can specific sectors (Industry, Agriculture, Tourism, Transportation, etc.) leverage green technologies and apply other measures to achieve sustainable development?


  • Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participatory (4P) Healthcare
  • Sustainable Healthcare Infrastructure
  • Green Healthcare Practices
  • Climate Change and Health
  • Telemedicine and Digital Health
  • One Health
  • Sustainable Nutrition and Diet
  • Green Innovation and Technology in Healthcare

Recommended research questions:

  • How can 4P in healthcare be integrated into existing healthcare systems to improve patient outcomes and reduce environmental impact on public health?
  • What are effective strategies for designing and implementing sustainable healthcare infrastructure?
  • What green healthcare practices can be implemented to reduce waste, conserve resources, and enhance overall sustainability?
  • What is the relationship between environmental health factors and patient outcomes, and how can healthcare providers address these factors to improve health?
  • How can telemedicine and digital health technologies be leveraged to provide sustainable and equitable healthcare access, particularly in remote and underserved areas?
  • How can the development and production of green pharmaceuticals and biotechnology be optimized to reduce environmental impact and ensure sustainability?
  • What are the impacts of sustainable nutrition and dietary practices on public health, and how can these practices be promoted?
  • What are the emerging green innovations and technologies in healthcare, and how can they be effectively integrated to improve sustainability and patient care?